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Mrs. sahar shahvali

Subject: calibration   
Posted: 10/14/2015 Viewed: 25304 times
I'm a master student. I am using soil moisture method to allocated water resource in basin, I have problem with model calibration.. I don't know how can I calibrate WEAP? and whichone of parameter should be calibrate?
In a paper I saw the result of calibrate was observed and simulation stream flow in stations. I should select a river and the station of it in PEST calibration,I know, but what is the lower bound and upper bound? and after calibrating wich one of output must be cheek? and I don't know wichone of parameter shows the simulation and wichone is observed?
Is it possible to help me? please!

Kind regards
Mr. Pham Quoc

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 10/14/2015 Viewed: 25290 times
Hello Sahar
I'm also a master student. Right now, I’m also focusing on calibrate WEAP model, I don't know so much about WEAP calibration, but according to some documents that I already read, usually, some parameters you can be calibrated are:
For catchment: area, crop coefficients, effective precipitation, reference evapotranspiration...
For rainfall and infiltration: runoff/infiltration ratio
For Groundwater: Storage capacity, initial storage, hydraulic conductivity, specific yield, horizontal distance, wetted depth, storage at river level...
I think that it also depends on your catchment to determine what kind of parameters should be calibrated

Lower bound and upper bound in PEST calibration is parameter range, I think it depends on your study area, you need to understand your catchment. In addition, if you do not know so much about your study area, just can try to run PEST such as set up for "effective rainfall" from 0-100% (0 is lower bound and 100 is upper bound)
Hope we can share information to understand more about WEAP calibration process.

Mrs. sahar shahvali

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 10/16/2015 Viewed: 25216 times
Hello Mr.Quoc
Thank for your suggestion.
I hope that we can help together about WEAP.
Mr. Quoc Pham

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 10/17/2015 Viewed: 25164 times
Hope see sharing from you.
Eng. Mohammed Jamous

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 10/19/2015 Viewed: 25135 times
Dear Pham:

I quote from your reply:

" some parameters you can be calibrated are:
For catchment: area, crop coefficients, effective precipitation, reference evapotranspiration... "

Can you please tell me how to calibrate one of the above parameters.

Should I get the calculation algorithm "for example" for Reference evapotranspiration that is used in the weap to calculate the flow in river and get it into and excel sheet and start changing the equation parameters until the real observed data curve for the flow in river fits the moduled data?

thank you in advanced.

Mr. Pham Quoc

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 10/19/2015 Viewed: 25130 times
Dear Jamous
With my understanding about WEAP, I suggest you that:
Firstly, you should try to use PEST calibration, which is an automatic calibration program available in WEAP. It can calibrate many parameters simultaneously, thereby you can save your time and maybe more effectively.
In addition, If you use PEST calibration, you don't need to get the output from the model into excel. You want to compare observed streamflow data and modeled streamflow data? Let’s do it as following:
Set up a stream gauge station in your schematic and input observed data into it.
After that, you run PEST calibration, it will automatically compare observed and modeled data with each other.
Hope it can useful to you!
Pham Quoc

Ms. El Hassani Layla

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 11/5/2015 Viewed: 25009 times
Dear Sahar,

I have had some experience in calibrating WEAP model. You can do it using PEST calibration or manually. The purpose of calibrating hydrology is to bring observed and simulated values in same level. For that you have to select results tab, then streamflow, then river, then streamgage and the catchment inflow node. The catchment inflow node data (simulated) should match with the streamgage data (observed).
You have to go to the concerned catchment and try to modifie the parameters you have : start with soil water capacity and root zone conductivity then extend (if needed) this to the other parameters you have like kc, prefered flow direction, Z1 and Z2.Start with default parameters and see,once you change a parameter, what is goind to happen in result tab (after running the model).
Once visually you have an acceptable accordance between observed and simulated data, you have to compte some quality parameters like NSE and Bias. For that Just use excel and you can find the equations for computation through internet (if not, I can send you something on that).
I hope this will help you, best of luck.

Mr. Quoc Pham

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 11/6/2015 Viewed: 24999 times
Dear El Hassani Layla
First of all, thank you so much about your useful suggestion.
I have some questions about calibration for my catchment, hope receives your suggestions.
I divided my catchment into five sub-catchment, and I have two stream gauge stations, one on the upstream which influenced by one sub-catchment, and another one in downstream which influenced by four sub-catchment. I need to calibrate for streamflow at two stream gauge stations. In my opinion, the calibration process at the downstream station is more complex, because I have to adjust many parameters in four sub-catchment that influence it. Can you suggest to me something that makes my calibration process become easier.
I have no groundwater data, so I just use rainfall – runoff method in “catchment” (NOT soil moisture method).

Ms. El Hassani Layla

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 11/8/2015 Viewed: 24973 times
Dear Quoc Pham,

How much big are the 4 sub-catchments in the downstream streamgages ? If they do not have large surface could you consider them as one big-catchment ? and then you will have only one catchment to deal with ?

Mr. Pham Quoc

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 11/8/2015 Viewed: 24968 times
Dear Layla.
In my catchment area, the 4 sub-catchment is about 5765 km2. It can consider them as one big-catchment?
Quoc Pham
Ms. El Hassani Layla

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 11/11/2015 Viewed: 24938 times
Dear Quoc Pham,
I think it may work. Just make sure you are entering right data about land use and kc to calibrate agriculture demand which will be the sum of the demand in the sub-basins.

Ms. El Hassani Layla

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 11/11/2015 Viewed: 24935 times
If you are considering agriclture demand in your basin
Mr. Quoc Pham

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 11/11/2015 Viewed: 24928 times
Dear Laya
I think I still have a problem, if I consider 4 sub-catchments as big sub-catchment. In this region, I have 3 reservoirs like cascade reservoirs along main river. If I did that, when I draw schematic on WEAP, I only have one catchment object. If I assigned that water from this catchment flow into main river in the upstream of the first reservoir (among three cascade reservoir), so it’s not real, the first reservoir will be taken so much water (actually this reservoir just receive water from one sub-catchment, but right now it seems that receive water from 4-subcatchment). How can I solve this problem?

Ms. El Hassani Layla

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 11/11/2015 Viewed: 24918 times
Dear Pham,

Hmm I see, you have a complexe situation for calibration. I would suggest you to do the following : devide each catchment with a streamgage into upper, middle and low basins. For example if the river located in catchment A have one streamgauge, you devide the catchment into Upper catchment A and low catchment A. If it contains two streamgauges, you devide it into upper catchment A, middle catchment A and low catchment A. Then calibrate by changing parameters in those basins. I hope this new suggestion will works. Good luck

Ms. El Hassani Layla

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 11/11/2015 Viewed: 24912 times
I forget to tell you, if you choose to do that, you have to delete original catchment
Mr. Pham Quoc

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 11/12/2015 Viewed: 24895 times
Dear Layla
I have a little bit confuse, May I send my "WEAP areas" folder to you ? Therefore, you can more understand my issue. And after, you might suggest me effectively.
Mrs. sahar shahvali

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 11/18/2015 Viewed: 24803 times
Dear El Hassani Layla First of all, thank you so much about your suggestion. I have a question. I don't know which node is "catchment inflow node"? Or what's the mean of it?
Can you explain more about it. Thanks a lot..
Mrs. sahar shahvali

Subject: Re: calibration   
Posted: 11/18/2015 Viewed: 24793 times
Hello again Dear layla I have littel confuse. I forget to tell you I have gauge station that influenced by two sub-catchment and then I have two catchment inflow node. I think they are too big to consider them as one catchment. And now I change the soil water capacity and root zone conductivity but it dosen't match with obzerved data. Can you help me?
Thsnks a lot.
Kind regards..
Topic "calibration"