Subject: WEAP calibration Posted: 10/13/2015 Viewed: 15002 times
Hello everyone
I'm a master student, I just began using the WEAP model for my thesis.
Right now, I'm focusing on how to calibrate the WEAP model, I got streamflow data from 1978 - 2010, and I would like to use streamflow data for calibration, after that, I am using the WEAP model for simulating the impact of climate change on water resource in my catchment.
I already read many documents about WEAP model calibration, but it seems so general. Can you give me some suggestions or give me some documents that can helpful for me.
Second question: Can I use the PEST calibration if I would like to use "crop coefficient" Kc and "effective rainfall" for the calibration process. Because I know that PEST just suitable for Soil Moisture Method.