Subject: Table Export Confirmation Dialogue Posted: 9/24/2015 Viewed: 16460 times
I'm running weap from it's API by python scripting language. I need to run weap for a number of times(appx. 1000) and also need to export it's result as a .csv file, as well. Problem is for each exportation weap brings a confirmation dialogue which says exportation successfully done and each time I should click on the OK button, which is annoying. Any help on preventing weap from doing that?
Kasra Keshavarz
Dr. Gokhan Cuceloglu
Subject: Re: Table Export Confirmation Dialogue Posted: 10/1/2015 Viewed: 16396 times
May be you can try to use “.verbose” property in your API. For Instance;
WEAP.verbose = 0
This line gives no dialogs. Also you can benefit from API example page in Help Menu.
WEAP.Verbose = 1 ' 0 = no dialogs, 1 = errors only, 2 = questions and errors, 3 = warnings, questions and errors, 4 = all dialogs
WEAP.Logfile = WEAP.Directory + "WeapErrors.txt" ' log all errors and warnings to this text file