Subject: Backup Posted: 8/31/2015 Viewed: 16901 times
.I had to uninstall WEAP and now I need to backup of it, but I do not know how
I need this in order to complete my master thesis and would be very grateful .for any kind of help
Kind regards
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Backup Posted: 9/8/2015 Viewed: 16838 times
Dear Sahar,
If you've uninstalled WEAP, any areas you made will still be in your Documents folder.
If you reinstall WEAP and for some reason your areas don't appear, you can view them again by clicking the Area menu in WEAP, then "Manage Areas", then "Restore" and navigating to the area you want. To back up an area, in the same "Manage Areas" window, click "Backup".
Mrs. sahar shahvali
Subject: Re: Backup Posted: 10/16/2015 Viewed: 16689 times
Hi Dear Stephanie,
Thank for your useful suggestion.