Subject: Developing a water allocation plan Posted: 8/24/2015 Viewed: 16383 times
Hello WEAP users,
I am currently using WEAP to develop an allocation plan for a sub-catchment in Kenya. I am however stuck in the methodology and thats where i need your help
1.How do I develop a water resources inventory? Someone help me with the methodology
2. How do I do a water balance to equate the various demands and available supplies? I mean the exact methodology
Your help is much appreciated, thanks in advance
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Developing a water allocation plan Posted: 9/10/2015 Viewed: 16271 times
Hi Joan,
You're going to need a lot of data to characterize your water availability. Groundwater, surface water, depending on what your system has. If you're stuck here, the best way to get started is by going through the WEAP tutorial, which demonstrates the capacities of WEAP and how to use them. It's available on this website at
Dr. Michael Oloko
Subject: Re: Developing a water allocation plan Posted: 9/17/2015 Viewed: 16239 times
Hello Joan,
Water resources data might be limited. However work closely with WRMA Regional and sub regional offices. They normally keep data on water resources e.g. river flows. Contact also the WRUA associated with the sub catchment and its level of operation. If it has developed its SCMP and even carried out water abstraction survey, you may get some information from the two documents. You also may tour the sub catchment with assistence of WRUA officials to ascertain some of the information and even come up with estimates based on other related parameters.