Subject: Land Cover change simulation in WEAP Posted: 7/24/2015 Viewed: 18535 times
Dear All
I am work on the impact of land cover change on Water availability at Black Volta basin (Ghana). I am a little confuse about how to choose some parameters like Runoff Resistance Factor, Deep conductivity, Root zone, Initial Zone Z1 and Z2. In fact i have five land cover classes: Forest , Savannah, Land Use (Urban , Farm land and Barren),Grass land and Water Bodies.
I need a help.
Kind Regards.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Land Cover change simulation in WEAP Posted: 7/29/2015 Viewed: 18467 times
Dear Salomon,
This is a great question, but not so easy to answer. You can find values for these parameters, but often they are listed as for *daily* timesteps, whereas WEAP models tend to be monthly. So be careful about that.
To start with, make sure that your catchments have the different land use subdivided. You'll see that some factors, like Initial Z1, need values for each type of land use, while others like Initial Z2, need only one value for the whole catchment. If you have multiple catchments with the same land covers, I would recommend making these different parameters Key Assumptions so you can edit them all in one place.
WEAP gives you defaults to start with, and you can use them to begin your calibrations. It's an art, and I wish there was more guidance I could give you here. We're hoping to post a document soon with more detailed information.
Dr. Salomon Obahoundje
Subject: Re: Land Cover change simulation in WEAP Posted: 7/29/2015 Viewed: 18458 times
OK! Thanks Dear Stephanie.