Subject: Development of climate change scenario Posted: 7/22/2015 Viewed: 17607 times
Dear all.
I am Salomon , and i am working on Black Volta Basin in West Africa (Ghana) for my MSc thesis . I am using WEAP to evaluate the impact of Land Use change and climate change on water availability at that basing . My concerning is , without running any climate change model , is it possible to include the climate change aspect on it ?I need your help .
Best regards.
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Development of climate change scenario Posted: 7/22/2015 Viewed: 17592 times
Dear Salomon,
You can definitely include climate change in WEAP, but it is up to you to decide how you want to characterize it. You can build a Scenario using the "Manage Scenarios" option. The WEAP tutorial introduces this process in the Scenarios module. The section also includes an introduction to the Water Year Method, which you might find useful.