Subject: Spring component Posted: 7/16/2015 Viewed: 18296 times
In my case springs are the major source of water for drinking and irrigation purposes in hilly areas. Thus, i need to add springs in WEAP, how can i add it in WEAP, can it be added as the beginning point of stream?
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Spring component Posted: 7/22/2015 Viewed: 18239 times
Dear Harshana,
Springs are the headwaters of rivers, so you can do this by building a river. I don't know how many springs you have, or whether they coalesce into rivers, but that's one way to do it. To model the headwaters, you can use the catchment element in WEAP. The Hydrology module in the WEAP tutorial provides an introduction to using catchments.
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Spring component Posted: 7/22/2015 Viewed: 18231 times
As Stephanie pointed out, if the spring is the headflow for a river, you could enter data for the spring's flow as the river's headflow. Another approach would be to use WEAP's groundwater-surface water interaction to have water flow from a groundwater node to a river reach, either as a function of their head difference, or by using some other expression. See for more information about GW-SW interactions. Finally, if you need a much more detailed model of groundwater, you can link a MODFLOW model to WEAP.