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Mr. Diego Alejandro Guzman Arias

Subject: Hydrology in WEAP   
Posted: 6/6/2015 Viewed: 23423 times
Good morning. Not if the translation language (Spanish), but for me it is unclear whether the WEAP has a routine hydrological (rainfall - runoff) into it, if you have that kind of model is or has? otherwise then I have to sumintrar historical flow series and scenarios?

Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Hydrology in WEAP   
Posted: 6/10/2015 Viewed: 23370 times
Dear Diego,

WEAP does contain four options for rainfall run-off models. They are all within the Catchment element (Unidad Hidrológica in Spanish). ONce you create one on your schematic, go to the Data View and it will ask you to select a method in the Advanced Tab. Your choices are:

1) Rainfall Runoff (simplified coefficient method)
2) Irrigation demands only (simplied coefficient method)
3) Raifall Runoff (soil moisture model)
4) MABIA (FAO 56, dual KC, daily)

For more information about these methods, see the Help menu, Data/Catchments/Overview of Catchment Simulation Methods.
Mr. Diego Alejandro Guzman Arias

Subject: Re: Hydrology in WEAP   
Posted: 6/11/2015 Viewed: 23359 times
Thanks Stephanie.

Yes, I read a little more and found. Now all I have to manipulate the model.
Mr. Diego Alejandro Guzman Arias

Subject: Re: Hydrology in WEAP   
Posted: 9/10/2016 Viewed: 19816 times
Hi Stephanie.

After a complex work of gathering information for my model WEAP, I'm trying to start loading data. My job is CANTAREIRA São Paulo - Brazil (system that supplies + - 70% of the water from the city of Sao Paulo). I will make a modeling projections from data of a regional climate model, for this I generate and calibrate my model with respect to the observed data.

Then starting two doubts arose me the hydrological model WEAP:

1. When you go to join the information of the main river basin, the WEAP asks you a question. Want the contribution of the basin is one Headflow? Hydrologic which is the difference in this case that the contribution is Headflow or not?

2. I discretize my basins in the model according to my flow measurement stations, ie, shut the sub-basin at that point. The question is, if I close each sub basin WEAP must enter a stretch of the river again?

Thank you
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Hydrology in WEAP   
Posted: 9/12/2016 Viewed: 19795 times
Dear Diego,

For your first question, the basins (catchments) contribute water to the river flow. Usually it is good to have a catchment representing the area of the headflow - the top of the river. So, for that area, I would say "yes", it is the contribution of the headflow. This does not stop you from adding additional catchments downstream. Which brings me to the second answer.

I determine my catchment areas by the flow measurements stations. When I'm delineating catchments in GIS, I use the stations as the "pour points." In terms of where the catchments must enter the stretch of river, they should be upstream of their respective stations (the streamflow gauges in WEAP). WEAP will keep the value in the river the same until there is more water added in or withdrawn. If you have demand sites in the same area, that becomes slightly more complicated, but it still a matter of additions and subtractions.
Mr. Diego Alejandro Guzman Arias

Subject: Re: Hydrology in WEAP   
Posted: 9/14/2016 Viewed: 19740 times
Thanks Stephanie, I will continue working and exploring. The truth I did the beginners course with Laura, but this was not reached study the hydrological modeling; this is for a higher level.
Topic "Hydrology in WEAP"