Subject: Water Quality Modeling Posted: 6/1/2015 Viewed: 18103 times
Hello Everyone!
I am using QUAL2K for water quality modeling in WEAP. I developed and edited QUAL2K outside of WEAP. I am using dada of January as input dada. How does WEAP read coefficients reaerations, oxidation rate, settling velocity for others months ?
Thank you!
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Water Quality Modeling Posted: 6/1/2015 Viewed: 18091 times
Because WEAP uses one QUAL2K file to calculate water quality for all time steps (each timestep WEAP updates headflows, point and diffuse sources of water and pollution, and climate data from WEAP in the QUAL2K file), it is not possible to use different values for these coefficients in different timesteps.
Ms. Tatiana Dumke
Subject: Re: Water Quality Modeling Posted: 6/1/2015 Viewed: 18083 times
Thank you very much!