Subject: Import data from Visual modlow (.vmf) to WEAP Posted: 4/20/2015 Viewed: 19231 times
I couldn't import the data from visual modflow, that because weap read only the .nam and .mfn extensions. While the extension of the visual modflow is .vmf
Even when i changed .mfi extension to .mfn, this don't work.
Have you an idea how should i proceed to import this data to modflow
Thank you
Kind regards
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Import data from Visual modlow (.vmf) to WEAP Posted: 4/20/2015 Viewed: 19220 times
WEAP can read any file as the MODFLOW NAME file -- it does not need to have .mfn or .nam as the extension. (In WEAP, when you are choosing the NAME file, change "Files of type" to "All files (*.*)" ) It is possible that Visual Modflow has done something to the NAME file that WEAP cannot handle. Does WEAP give you an error message?
Topic "Import data from Visual modlow (.vmf) to WEAP"