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All Topics | Topic "Regional Water resource planning using WEAP"
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Ms. Mitika Farkya

Subject: Regional Water resource planning using WEAP   
Posted: 3/27/2015 Viewed: 18892 times
Attempting to use WEAP for regional water resource planning for parvati-kalisindh-chambal link in India....If anybody has used this software before for similar work, kindly provide valuable inputs as to whether the software is apt for regional water resource planning. Also I am unable to interpret the results obtained. Any advice/guidance in the subject matter is most welcome.
Dr. Devaraj de Condappa

Subject: Re: Regional Water resource planning using WEAP   
Posted: 4/8/2015 Viewed: 18749 times
Dear Mitika,

WEAP is made for water resources planning (at any scale).

But for us to help you, please provide precise / specific questions.

Kind regards,
Ms. Mitika Farkya

Subject: Re: Regional Water resource planning using WEAP   
Posted: 4/9/2015 Viewed: 18738 times
Thank You sir for replying...
My research topic is regional water resources planning and the area on which the work is to be done is Chambal river basin. My work is to link the tributaries of chambal viz. Parbati, Newaj and Kalisindh rivers, and to optimize the whole water resources system and thus, to develop a regional model for utilizing available water resources in an optimal manner and maximizing the returns for the available resource.
Kindly suggest if the software is applicable in this case or not.
Topic "Regional Water resource planning using WEAP"