Subject: Using river flow data Posted: 2/4/2015 Viewed: 19123 times
1) How the main river flow data is integrated with the tributaries flow data?
2) Units
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Using river flow data Posted: 2/4/2015 Viewed: 19090 times
Your rivers will be the sum of the water sources flowing into them - via catchments, tributaries, or inflows and outflows (user-entered data). To integrate a tributary, remember that you must begin drawing it at its headwaters, and then connect it to your main river. Note that WEAP should ask you if you want it to be connected.
Units in WEAP vary depending on the section. In the results section, you have a quite a lot of freedom to choose for instance trillion liters volume or cubic feet per second (and others) over a specific time period.
Mr. Abebe Seyoum Ayele
Subject: Re: Using river flow data Posted: 2/5/2015 Viewed: 19071 times
Thank you Stephanie Galaitsi
Let me be a little bit clear.
The flow shows the same value when I see the head flow any where @ upstream as it goes to downstream and before and after the tributaries join. To my understand, the flow should increase as it goes downstream because of tributaries. How can I see this variability?