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All Topics | Topic "out flow from reservior"
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Miss ruqay sarh

Subject: out flow from reservior   
Posted: 11/25/2014 Viewed: 20930 times
how can I make value of out flow from reservior equal zero?
Dr. Devaraj de Condappa

Subject: Re: out flow from reservior   
Posted: 11/26/2014 Viewed: 20882 times
Dear Rugay,

I suppose you don't want the outflow to be = 0 all the time (otherwise the reservoir may be of limited use).

I would advise you to try tuning the Priority coefficient of the reservoir (when you are looking at the data of the Reservoir object in the Data view, click on the tab Priority). This Priority of the reservoir is for filling the reservoir at the cost of allowing water to flow downstream. So try setting a high priority for it, like 1. If the priority for the reservoir is the greatest (ie the value of the priority coefficient the smallest, like 1) then WEAP will only allow outflow when the reservoir is full.
Miss ruqay sarh

Subject: Re: out flow from reservior   
Posted: 11/27/2014 Viewed: 20864 times
Thanks very much Dr.Devaraj
Miss Nicolina Lindblad

Subject: Re: out flow from reservior   
Posted: 3/31/2015 Viewed: 20103 times
Dear Dr. Devaraj. I'm unable to make a river that flows out of a reservoir. In more details: I've just started my research on the water system in Uganda (ie. new user of WEAP). Where Lake Victoria ( my first reservoir) provides water to the Nile and other rivers. I therefore want to draw the rivers from the reservoir but am unable to do so. I might have missunderstod it all, but shouldn't lakes be modelled like reservoirs?

Thank you in advance!

Best Regards

Nicolina Lindblad
Dr. Devaraj de Condappa

Subject: Re: out flow from reservior   
Posted: 4/8/2015 Viewed: 20040 times
Dear Nicolina,

My advice would be 1st to add the river in WEAP and then add the reservoir object (for the Lake Victoria) on the river, at the very begining / upstream.

Kind regards,
Topic "out flow from reservior"