Subject: Demand site or agriculture catchment Posted: 11/8/2014 Viewed: 20739 times
an irrigated area of 5000 ha, I put it in WEAP as a Demand site or a catchment
thank you
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Demand site or agriculture catchment Posted: 11/20/2014 Viewed: 20679 times
WEAP has flexibility here - you can do it either way, and it depends on your priorities.
To model your irrigated area as a demand site, see the WEAP's tutorial's WEAP in One Hour/Entering Elements into the Schematic/Section 9. Create an Agricultre Demand Site.
It is more complicated to model an irrigated area as a catchment, but also gives you a lot more control. See the Hydrology section of the WEAP tutorial, it will guide you through the process.
I recommend reading through both sections and decided which representation works better for the analysis purposes you need.