When I am giving consumption data to WEAP, I have following questions:
Q1. I have to give it as a whole for Agriculture sector? Or is there a way in which I can give the consumption separately for each sub-sector?
Q2. If I select a sub-sector (e.g. private Irrigation) and view the results for water demand, return flow and consumption - the consumption results that WEAP shows are actually for the Agriculture sector and not the sub-sector i.e. private irrigation. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Dr. Devaraj de Condappa
Subject: Re: Water Consumption Posted: 7/30/2014 Viewed: 21317 times
Dear Anum,
You can only give a consumption rate for the whole water demand, ie in your case Agricultural Sector. You cannot give a particular value for each sub-branche.
If you really need to have a different consumption rate, then I would adivse you to create an agriculture water demand for each sub-category (e.g., registrations, private etc).
On another note, you can however specify a particular monthly variation for each sub-branch, by going General > Basic Parameters.