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All Topics | Topic "Reservoir optimal operations"
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Mr. Abdellatif Ahbari

Subject: Reservoir optimal operations   
Posted: 7/1/2014 Viewed: 23164 times
Hi every body,

I'm planning to use the capacity of WEAP to model a reservoir system (supplies, reservoir and demands), and actually, my purpose is to find the optimal reservoir operations (Top of Conservation, of buffer, of inactive and buffer coeff) adapted first for the normal circumstances and then for the effects of climate change.
So, I would like to know if I can have more detailled information about how WEAP determines the volume to release from the resevoir at each time step, to satisfy completely or partially the demand in function of course of the intial storage in the reservoir and the future supplies.

I hope I was clear and thank for your advices.
with my best regards.

Dr. Devaraj de Condappa

Subject: Re: Reservoir optimal operations   
Posted: 7/1/2014 Viewed: 23132 times
Dear Abdellatif,

Have a look at WEAP User Guide, in the chapter 7, heading 7.3.8, you'll find there the algorithms for reservoir...
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi

Subject: Re: Reservoir optimal operations   
Posted: 7/1/2014 Viewed: 23119 times
You can also find this information right in WEAP, without downloading the user guide. Go to Help/Contents/Search, type in hydropower and select "Hydropower Calculations" (or anything else you're interested in).
Mr. Abdellatif Ahbari

Subject: Re: Reservoir optimal operations   
Posted: 7/2/2014 Viewed: 23105 times
Thank you Devaraj and Stephanie for the information, I'll check it and see if I can found all what I need.
Mr. Abdellatif Ahbari

Subject: Re: Reservoir optimal operations   
Posted: 7/4/2014 Viewed: 23068 times
Hi every one,

I had read the section that you advise and others related sections, but it doesnt respond to all my wishes.
For exemple, how the WEAP manage the case where "the storage for operation is less than the total demand (irrigation, drinking water and hydropower)". Does the software take to account the notion of deficit rate of each demand and its priority? Can the user make his owne operation rules or modify the existentes ones?...

Best regards.
Mr. Zaw Win Aung

Subject: Re: Reservoir optimal operations   
Posted: 7/28/2014 Viewed: 22885 times
I am just an initial user so I am not sure for my answer. By I think buffer coefficient will manage in your case, buffer zone is the storage is less than total demand.
In my case, for just one demand site for the city, I put buffer coefficient 0.33 (33% or one-third) so that means for the storage is less than demand, my reservoir will control and supply only one third to cover three months, dry period.
In your case, with many demand sites, you can also manage demand priority. I also want to get advice or response for my thinking that is right or wrong.
Topic "Reservoir optimal operations"