Subject: Data Shapefile Posted: 5/30/2014 Viewed: 23236 times
what do i need as Data in the shapefile from GIS or ARCGIS to begin a new project?
thank you
Dr. Devaraj de Condappa
Subject: Re: Data Shapefile Posted: 5/30/2014 Viewed: 23221 times
Dear Soumaya,
GIS files (shapefiles or rasters) are optional to use WEAP. WEAP does not know (yet) how to interpret GIS file you would add on the schematic. For instance, if you load a shapefile for the rivers, WEAP still doesn't know that there are rivers unless and until you add in the schematic the WEAP river object. The same for instance for a shapefile for the location of dams / reservoirs: WEAP won't understand automatically from the shapefile that there are reservoirs / dams unless you add specifically a WEAP reservoir object in the schematic.
So GIS files that you load in WEAP are for your information (the user), background information, not for WEAP.
As a consequence, you can add any useful GIS files in WEAP. Typically one may add GIS layers of rivers, lakes, dams, canals, hydro-meteorological stations, cities, irrigation schemes, DEM.
Hope it helps.
Kind regards,
Dr. Devaraj de Condappa
Subject: Re: Data Shapefile Posted: 5/30/2014 Viewed: 23215 times
I forgot to mention one element: your GIS files (shapefiles or rasters) should be georeferenced in geographic (ie latitude longitude) WGS84 datum.
Kind regards,
Miss Soumaya Chawachi
Subject: Re: Data Shapefile Posted: 5/30/2014 Viewed: 23185 times
Thank you very much dear Devaraj