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All Topics | Topic "how to consider sedimentaiton in a reservoir?"
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Ms. Claire MANUS

Subject: how to consider sedimentaiton in a reservoir?   
Posted: 11/19/2013 Viewed: 23916 times
I would like to know if it is possible to manage a reservoir into WEAP while it's capacity is evoluting because of sedimentation. So it is possible to tell WEAP that : maximum storage capactiy is decreasing AND the volume-elevation relation is changing also with time (the elevation corresponding to zero volume is inscreasing with time)
thank you very much for your response,
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: how to consider sedimentaiton in a reservoir?   
Posted: 11/20/2013 Viewed: 23878 times
Using an expression, you could have the maximum storage capacity change over time, but you cannot change the volume-elevation curve over time.

One way to approximate the loss of active storage because of sedimentation would be to gradually increase the reservoir's "Top of Inactive" over time (using an Interp function in the expression). This approach is not perfect (WEAP would report too much water in the reservoir, including the volume that was filled with sediment), but because WEAP will not be able to release that extra water because it is below the Top of Inactive zone, this extra water will not influence the downstream results.

Topic "how to consider sedimentaiton in a reservoir?"