Subject: how to reduce runtime in weap? Posted: 10/21/2013 Viewed: 25845 times
hi all dears
I am using weap-modflow linkage for IWRM simulation in simple area.but runtime of weap-modflow simulation for 72 stress period is very big(2.65 min).how to reduce this runtime? how to force weap to calculate only Some of the results no all the results to reduce runtime? i need to reduce simulation runtime less than 1 min(how to do it?).because i want to evaluate of results by optimization tools (genetic algorithm) in MATLAB.
please help me.I desperately need to do it.
thanks a lot
arash azari
Mr. Marcel Gaj
Subject: Re: how to reduce runtime in weap? Posted: 10/23/2013 Viewed: 25786 times
Hi arash,
What solver does your MODFLOW model run with? Try to use the SIP solver instead of the PCG. This will speed up the MODFLOW model alot. I reduced the runtime of a big MODFLOW model from 28 min to 30sec.
Dr. arash azari
Subject: Re: how to reduce runtime in weap? Posted: 10/26/2013 Viewed: 25749 times
hi cheers,
Thank you for the guide.
I use the SIP solver instead of the PCG. but it dont reduced the runtime.My SIP pakage is illustrated below:
so Do I need to change one or more parameters in this pakage to reduce the runtime of modflow?
thanks a lot
Mr. behzad jamali
Subject: Re: how to reduce runtime in weap? Posted: 10/29/2013 Viewed: 25715 times
Arashe aziz,
check this, it may reduce run time:
Edit -> Result variables -> select variables to calculate... with this option you can uncheck the parameters you don't want to be calculated in a specific simulation.