Subject: How to recreate temporary directories WEAP areas path or reinstall? Posted: 10/21/2013 Viewed: 24844 times
I choose WEAP Areas Path: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ when install this program.
I want to change this path. Should I start to recreate temporary directories or reinstall again?
Thank you very much.
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: How to recreate temporary directories WEAP areas path or reinstall? Posted: 10/23/2013 Viewed: 24838 times
You will need to edit the Windows Registry to change it. Run REGEDIT and look for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Stockholm Environment Institute\WEAP\AreasPath. The WEAP Areas folder path is stored as data associated with the directory where WEAP in installed. Edit the Data value to change where WEAP stores the areas. However, if you have any WEAP areas already in the existing location, you will need to move them to the new location yourself.
Mr. Kritsana Prachoomkhong
Subject: Re: How to recreate temporary directories WEAP areas path or reinstall? Posted: 10/24/2013 Viewed: 24807 times
Thank you very much Jack.Technically problem fixed now!
Topic "How to recreate temporary directories WEAP areas path or reinstall?"