Subject: Summing up the records for a water year & create reference to it? Posted: 7/1/2013 Viewed: 24808 times
Dear all,
I'm not sure if this question was already raised - the topic headlines in the forum are not always very informative, plus, they could be grouped according to certain headlins/topics to have a better overview.
I would like to refer the streamflow of a river or a flow requirement to the total precipitation of a catchment node of the respective water year.
So far, I use the PrevTSValue for the period of the previous 12 months, which represents, however, not exactly what I want because it does not account for the water year.
Is there a way to refer to the annual (water year), summed up discharge of a variable?
Topic "Summing up the records for a water year & create reference to it?"