Subject: Typical WEAP Data Requirements Posted: 4/16/2013 Viewed: 34797 times
To whom it may concern.
I'm currently undergoing my Masters Programme in Water Resources in Nigeria. I have proposed to use WEAP in my Project. What are the input data I'll need to use in WEAP.
Thanks in advance.
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Typical WEAP Data Requirements Posted: 4/16/2013 Viewed: 34790 times
Typical WEAP Data Requirements
Data gathering is always one of the hardest parts about doing an analysis. The more data you have the better. Also, monthly time series data will be helpful in calibration/validation. Here are some examples of useful data when completing a WEAP analysis:
Schematics, maps, etc. of the river basin you wish to model
Demand data (municipal, domestic, industrial, irrigation, livestock, etc.)
Drivers (e.g., population, irrigated area, etc.) and projections of those drivers for scenarios
Withdrawal, either total or per activity (e.g., per person, per hectare)
Consumption (% of withdrawal not returned) and routing of any return flow
Monthly variation
Loss and reuse
Demand-side management policies, either current or possible future policies
Priorities and preferences for supply (e.g., who has first claim on river water, and for demands connected to multiple supplies, which is their preference or ratio of withdrawals)
Transmission link data - Information on links between supply and demand
Pipeline capacity
Costs (may include the cost of the supply as well as the transmission cost, or be viewed as a price the consumer has to pay)
River gauge flows as monthly time series data
Instream or downstream (i.e. out of the basin study area) flow requirements
If using runoff model, precipitation and temperature time series data
Storage capacity
Initial storage
Maximum withdrawal
Natural Recharge
Gains from and losses to adjacent rivers
Inflow (if not on a river)
Initial and total storage capacity
Volume-elevation curve (to calculate evaporation or for hydropower)
Monthly evaporation rate
Levels of reservoir storage (inactive zone, buffer zone, conservation zone, flood control zone)
Hydropower: Max and min. turbine flows, tailwater elevation, efficiency, etc.
Other Supply Sources (imports, transfers, desalinization, etc.)
Surface Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Pollution generation by sectors
Percent removal of pollutants by treatment process
Routing of wastewater or treated wastewater
Pollutant decay rates
Flow-stage-width curves for river reaches
River water temperature time series data for each reach
Ms. Aashi Agarwal
Subject: Re: Typical WEAP Data Requirements Posted: 5/22/2018 Viewed: 16524 times
Sir, I am doing Masters in Water Resources and i have to use WEAP in my dissertation.
I want to know the format of the data you have mentioned above. eg. Do we need DEM of reservoirs and demand sites. What all shape files we need or we just randomly locate the demand sites and supply sources?
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: Typical WEAP Data Requirements Posted: 5/22/2018 Viewed: 16514 times
Dear Aashi,
It depends on how you are structuring your model. I would recommend having the pour point for a catchment at the location of your reservoir - in that event, it would be helpful to have a shapefile with the location of the reservoir on the river. Structuring your model this way will allow WEAP to calculate exactly how much drainage area contributes rainfall to the catchment upstream of your reservoir.
You can structure your model similarly for inflows for demand sites (use them as pour points to make catchments) but the demand sites themselves don't need to be perfectly located on your WEAP area schematic.
You will not need a DEM for your model - the WEAP 2018 version downloads DEMs to allow you to delineate your catchments automatically.