Subject: Supply deliver/demand coverage Posted: 4/9/2013 Viewed: 24261 times
I use WEAP model to do the Water Audit Model for Awash Basin, Ethiopia. The demand nodes for domestic and Irrigation uses are stetted in the schematic and all required data filled correctly. But, when I explore the results, the supply deliver of some of the nodes are not equal to the supply requirement that decrease the demand coverage percent. In other side there is sufficient stream flow in that reach. How can I solve this problem?
Thanks in Advance
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Supply deliver/demand coverage Posted: 4/9/2013 Viewed: 24253 times
Are there any demands or flow requirements downstream with higher priority? If so, WEAP will allocate the streamflow first to the higher priority demands (lower priority number, e.g., 1) before allocating water to lower priority.