Subject: Consultation for error in LP solver. Posted: 1/10/2013 Viewed: 26980 times
Hi, I have a problem to run the model. a message about a problem with the "LP solver" (Warning: This extremely large value (115, 694, 923, 232, 643, 904) may cause problem for the linear program (LP) solver. Please check if it is a mistake, or can reasonably be reduced).
We do not know which type of error refers. we do not know that reference these numbers. We need to know how we can resolve this error.
thank you very much!
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Consultation for error in LP solver. Posted: 1/10/2013 Viewed: 26971 times
The Warning message should have also told you which branch and variable had the large number. Did you check the branch:variable to see if the number was correct?
In general, it is NOT a good idea to use a very large number in cases where you want there to be no limit, such as the transmission link capacity. Instead, you can leave these expressions blank to indicate no limit.
Eng. Guillermo Cúneo
Subject: Re: Consultation for error in LP solver. Posted: 1/14/2013 Viewed: 26919 times
jack! thank you very much for your quick reply! I have revised the variable, and the number is normal. including change the number and made shorter search paths of data and continues to emit the same type of error but now with other code numbers.
Thank you for your attention!
Eng. Guillermo Cúneo
Subject: Re: Consultation for error in LP solver. Posted: 1/14/2013 Viewed: 26906 times
Jack! I've found what is the problem! the problem is that when the program calculates the areas in hectares, should go with the "No Data Entered at this level". I put "no unit", and generated an internal error and produced a number of hectares extremely high, which made the volume of rainfall was exaggeratedly high.
Now I'm dealing with another error but I advance!
thank you very much!
continue in the future by consulting other themes!