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Mr. Chuck Young

Subject: WEAP Academy Announcement   
Posted: 1/2/2013 Viewed: 36078 times

Dear WEAP User Community,

In response to user requests for opportunities to take their WEAP skills to a more advanced level we have decided to offer a more intensive training than the week-long trainings we typically deliver. The course would take place at the SEI office in Davis, California and would begin with the standard tutorial training and then provide personalized support over the next several weeks as participants develop their own WEAP application. This extended period of interaction will allow the participants to become very competent in the use of WEAP and will develop the skills and knowledge necessary to build sophisticated models. The overall goal of the course will be to support the participants in fully developing a sophisticated WEAP model to be used in their professional endeavors. It will require that participants come to the course prepared with a knowledge of the system they plan to model and any related data sets.

The course will last 12 weeks. Below is a description of the course.

Week 1
During this time the SEI trainer would interact with the participants for 8 hours a day. The material covered during this time would include the standard WEAP tutorials and other advanced topics (see list below). Depending on the speed at which we cover the tutorial material we would could also begin intensive work on the development of specific applications. This portion of the training would be structured along the lines of the lectures/labs which constitute an academic course offering.

Weeks 2 -- 12
During this time the SEI trainer would be available for one hour a day per participant (or 5 hours a week), akin to formal office hours in the context of an academic course offering. During this time we assume the participants will work on their own applications of WEAP which would be used to support the work they are pursuing. We would expect the participants to work on their own for most of the day and to ask questions during the formal "office hours." We request this formality so that the SEI trainer can focus on other projects during the other hours of the work day. SEI will provide office space and an internet connection to the participants.

The price of the course will be $12,000. That price includes the cost of the training, related materials, a two-year WEAP license, office space for the 12 weeks, and internet access. Students will be responsible for all other costs (lodging food, and transport). We anticipate that we will deliver the course to three of four participants at a time, which would allow them to create a productive learning community amongst themselves.

If this is of potential interest to you please let us know and please answer the following questions:

1. Would you require assistance in arranging lodging in Davis?
2. When during the coming year would you be able to participate in the course?

If you have any questions regarding this opportunity please do not hesitate to contact Chuck Young at cyoung@sei-us.org.


The WEAP Training Team

WEAP Tutorial Sessions
1. WEAP in one hour - this first hands-on session will introduce the trainees to the WEAP graphical user interface and to the basic skills required in working with the software. This tutorial has a simple problem in which the balancing of demand and supply is introduced.

2. Basic tools in WEAP - this hands-on session introduces the user to the basic functionality in WEAP that allows for specification of parameters, equations, and operations rules. This functionality will be used in later sessions to build more sophisticated representations of supply and demand.

3. Scenario analysis in WEAP - this hands-on session introduces the concept of scenarios in WEAP. This functionality is a very powerful tool which allows users to easily study "what if" questions using the software.

4. Refining the demand - this hands-on session will guide the trainees as they disaggregate the demand into a more detailed representation. It will also cover the setting of demand priorities.

5. Refining the supply -- in this hand-on session the trainees will learn about supply priorities, the modeling of reservoirs, in-stream flow requirements, and simple models of groundwater supplies.

6. Data, results, and formatting -- this hands-on session focusses on methods for working with input data formats, presenting results, and changing the appearance of the model schematic.

7. Reservoirs and Power Production -- this hands-on session will introduce the trainees to modeling reservoir operations including power production. It will also introduce the run-of-river hydropower modeling object.

8. Water quality -- this tutorial will introduce the trainees to the water quality functionality in WEAP.

9. Hydrology -- this hands-on tutorial will introduce the rainfall runoff modeling capabilities in WEAP. This is a more advanced topic yet it is very useful as it allows model users to simulate more of the hydrologic cycle. When this module is used, WEAP directly uses climate inputs such as rainfall and temperature and not measured stream flow rates.

10. Financial analysis -- this hands-on tutorial will introduce the financial calculation capabilities that are available in WEAP.

11. Linking WEAP to MODFLOW-- this hands-on session will be a demonstration of the linkage of WEAP to MODFLOW.

12. Linking WEAP to QUAL2K -- this hands-on session will be a demonstration of the linkage of WEAP to QUAL2K.

13. Linking WEAP to LEAP -- this hands-on tutorial introduces the linkage between WEAP and LEAP which allows for simultaneous simulation of both water and energy resource use and allocation.

14. Practical exercise 1 -- Creating a WEAP area from scratch -- this hands-on tutorial will allow the users to practice the skills they have learned in the previous tutorials by building a model from scratch.

15. Practical exercise 2- Modeling hydrology, calibrating and creating climate scenarios -- this hands-on tutorial will allow the users to practice the concepts introduced in the hydrology tutorial.

16. Modeling agricultural water use in WEAP -- this tutorial will introduce the different methods available for simulating agricultural water use.

17. WEAP scripting techniques -- this hands-on tutorial will cover the use of VB scripting to control WEAP execution and perform external calculations.

18. Advanced WEAP expressions -- this hands-on tutorial will cover the construction of the more advanced expression capabilities available in WEAP.

Mr. Ansumana Lynton Swarray

Subject: Re: WEAP Academy Announcement   
Posted: 1/7/2013 Viewed: 36009 times
Thank you Chuck for the email. This is good news for us in the developing countries, particularly Sierra Leone, where I am coming from. I have been looking for the opportunity to go through this training to enable me to use WEAP properly in water evaluation and management.It will be good form me at the end of 2013 (preferably October-December). My only concern is raising the adeequate fund for the training and I would appreciate any support or link to sponsors.

Ansumana Lynton Swarray
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Sierra Leone
Topic "WEAP Academy Announcement"