Subject: WEAP Application Posted: 10/18/2012 Viewed: 25690 times
I am a beginnner and I want to use WEAP-LEAP for my country. As I understood from the tutorials was that it can be used for basins/watersheds. Can it also be used for a nation considering political boundaries?
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: WEAP Application Posted: 10/18/2012 Viewed: 25678 times
Both LEAP and WEAP are flexible as to the scale of their analysis. Although WEAP models are typically at the basin or watershed level, you can certainly create a national-scale WEAP model, which you should be able to link to a national-scale LEAP energy model.
Thanks for the reply but I also want to know if I already have data for surface and ground water availability and demand data for that political boundary, Can I simply enter that data into WEAP?