Subject: Come see the launch of a major new version of WEAP at Stockholm World Water Week later this month Posted: 8/19/2012 Viewed: 28057 times
If you will be attending World Water Week in Stockholm later this month, please come see the launch of our major new version of WEAP, which features a dynamic linkage to SEI’s LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning) system. Using this combined WEAP-LEAP system will allow you to build models for exploring the Water-Energy Nexus! Lunch will be provided.
Title: Launching a New Analytical Platform to Explore the Water-Energy Nexus
Date: 2012-08-30
Time: 12:45 - 13:45
Convenor: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) US Center
Co-convenor: National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Room: K16/17
Event Description
How many times have you seen a graphic depicting the Water-Energy Nexus? Are you ready to start analyzing what they actually mean? If you answered: Too many times; and YES; then don't miss this side-event, which will demonstrate the integration of powerful water (WEAP) and energy (LEAP) modeling platforms.
12:45 Lunch served
12:55 Welcome and Introduction. Dr. David Purkey, SEI, USA
13:00 Introduction to LEAP. Dr. Charlie Heaps, SEI, USA
13:05 Introduction to WEAP. Mr. Jack Sieber, SEI, USA
13:10 LEAP/WEAP integration. Film
13:20 California Water-Energy Context. Dr. David Purkey, SEI, USA
13:25 LEAP/WEAP Pilot in California. Dr. David Yates, NCAR, USA, and Dr. Vishal Mehta, SEI, USA
13:35 Comments. Mr. Diego Rodriguez, World Bank
13:40 Q & A
Lunch provided by the organizer
Topic "Come see the launch of a major new version of WEAP at Stockholm World Water Week later this month"