Subject: Soil Moisture Method - Root Zone Conductivity Posted: 5/10/2012 Viewed: 28981 times
Hi everyone,
I have a question related to the units for the root zone conductivity (RZC) values:
I'm assuming that this parameter corresponds to saturated hydraulic conductivity K, so I got the values using the Soil Water Characteristics (SPAW) model with inputs consisting of the textural classes and depth as describe in the national soil map (Guatemala). Then to compare and calibrate ETa values I used the FAO Cropwat model. I noticed that the results in WEAP where very diferent, so I began to calibrate. Then I noticed that if I divided RZC values in WEAP by 100, I could get similar results as the Cropwat modeling of ETa (+/- 5% difference).
So here's the point: I was wondering if there wasn't an error in the units proposed in the GUI to input RZC values (mm/month). Divided by 100, that would be in meters/month...
The other posibility is that the RZC parameter doesn't correspond to saturated hydraulic onductivity K?
I hope someone can help me with that.
Best regards.
Topic "Soil Moisture Method - Root Zone Conductivity"