Subject: gis or weap function Posted: 4/20/2012 Viewed: 28555 times
why in modflow2weap the node’s text is repainted in red color and “error”
is printed at the end of the original text?
Mr. Markus Huber
Subject: Re: gis or weap function Posted: 4/23/2012 Viewed: 28520 times
Modflow2Weap tries to produce multiple outputs at the same run. The number of outputs depends on how many checkboxes are selected before the run.
Depending on the MODFLOW model's design and on the linkage file's state of attributing, it can happen that some of the selected functions are not supported or can't produce a correct result. E.g. there can't be a result for the flow-stage-width-function if the MODFLOW model is designed to have no rivers. Also, the tool can't produce a shapefile of Catchments if catchments have not yet been attributed in the linkage file.
In order to avoid popping up many error messages, all the errors (including functions that are not supported) are aggregated in a single error message. In addition, those functions that caused the error are marked in red color whereas the others are marked in green color indicating that the result is ok.