Subject: Water policy workshops in Rural Area of DESART in India Posted: 12/8/2011 Viewed: 29059 times
State Water Policy Workshops
organized in Dist Jalore of Rajasthan
The DWSC( District Water and Sanitation comity ) Jalore (Rajasthan ) organized one day Workshop programs in Six block of the district.
The Block
1 Jaswantpura
2 Ahore
3. Sayla
5 Chitlwana
6 Jalore
are covered under this program. There are six block covered out of the eight block of district.
These workshops organized in the last week of month November. Workshop are funded Under the European Commission program through the Rajasthan State Water Sanitaion Support organization, Community Capacity Development Unit Jaipur.At the district level these workshops done by the Consultant of WSSO at district level in DWSC.
Thre are the three consultant at district level under the National Rural Drinking Water Program NRDWP one is consultant IEC and Equity Mr. Dharmendra Dubey second is Mr Vikrem Sing Jhala consultant HRD and Mr. Deepak Trivedi consultant MIS.
In these workshops More than Sixty participant particepeted.The participant categories are Pradhan of Block, BDO, SDM, Sarpanch of grampanchyat secretary of GP, Panchayt Sameeti Elected Members, Zilaparished Member and the officer of PHED, water resource, Education, ground water department
Main points discussed in the workshops are :-
1. Community Participation in Water Policies
2. Main Features of the State Water Policy
3. Rain Water Harvesting
4. Recharge of Ground Water
5. sustainability of water resource
6. Role of VWSC (village Water and Sanitation Committee) for
implementing of State Water Policy
7. Convergence among the department and PRI at village, Block and district level
Mr. Dharmendra dubey,Mr.Kalu Ram,Mr.V S Jhala,Mr. Deepak Trivedi AEN PHED Ahore, Raniwara, BDO Jaswantpura, Ahore , Sayla Chitlwana, Raniwara was the resource person for different sessions of the workshops.
Some Movement of the workshops
Topic "Water policy workshops in Rural Area of DESART in India"