Subject: Modelling Issues with Hydrology Posted: 10/9/2011 Viewed: 28681 times
- Hydrology
Using the FAO Rainfall-Runoff method means that there's only one parameter (Effective Precipitation), for which I have to estimate values (or have PEST calibration do this for me, if I have a rough idea of the needed values). Is there any idea where to find credible literature for Effective Precipitation values? In addition, from what I understand, the main drawback of the method is the fact that it does not calculate transfer of soil water from month to month. According to your experience, could this be a major issue for not using the method?
Alternatively, picking the Soil Moisture method means that I have to estimate 6-7 parameters (or have PEST do this for some of them). Again where should I look for the needed values (soil water capacity, root zone conductivity, preferred flow direction, runoff resistence factor, irrigation lower/upper threshold)? Is there any 'good practice' that I should follow? That is, which of them would you estimate and which ones would you let PEST calibrate? Moreover, concerning 'root zone conductivity', is it the hydraulic conductivity of the upper soil layer?