Subject: Linking a catchment to multiple groundwater bodies Posted: 9/21/2011 Viewed: 27505 times
Is there an option to link one catchment node to multiple (more than 1)groundwater nodes which represent aquifers with different properties? I have the issue where both a karstik and an alluvial aquifer fall within the boundaries of a catchment. I could divide the cathcment into 2 sub-cathments and make a 1-1 connections, yet is there a way around this solution, or a better suggestion?
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Linking a catchment to multiple groundwater bodies Posted: 9/21/2011 Viewed: 27497 times
You are right that a catchment cannot have return flow links to more than one groundwater node. Splitting the catchment into two catchements, as you suggest, would solve your problem. Alternatively, if you are linking your model to MODFLOW, you can do it with one catchment, because you choose which land use branches are linked to which MODFLOW cells. In this case, the different aquifer properties would be modeled in MODFLOW.
Topic "Linking a catchment to multiple groundwater bodies"