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All Topics | Topic "Looking for help translating WEAP into other languages"
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Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Looking for help translating WEAP into other languages   
Posted: 9/9/2011 Viewed: 55382 times
Hi all,

In order to broaden the usefulness of WEAP around the world, we hope to translate WEAP into as many languages as possible. I hope that some members of the WEAP community will be willing to volunteer their time to do some translation of WEAP-related materials. WEAP is provided free to qualified organizations in developing countries, so we rely on members of WEAP community to help with important work like this.

As you may know, WEAP is available in the following languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, French, Greek, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai. The Tutorial has been translated into Chinese, Farsi, French and Spanish. The website has partial translations for Chinese, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai. We are interested in translations into any and all languages.

All of the existing translations need some updating and revising to reflect the latest changes in WEAP, and we would like to add additional languages as well. Although there is much that needs translating, I'm hoping that if we can get several volunteers per language the task will not be too large for any one person.

The translations can be edited directly on the WEAP website, which should make it quick and easy for many people to help.

If you think you can help, please email my colleague Laura Forni laura.forni@sei-us.org and let her know:

* What language you could contribute
* How much experience you have with WEAP and familiarity with its terms (e.g., "Demand Site," "Current Accounts," "Schematic," "Scenario Explorer").

All translators will receive credit in the software (see http://www.weap21.org/index.asp?doc=19#Translation for the current credits list). We are also going to create some cool-looking WEAP T-shirts as thank you presents to volunteers.

Sincere thanks in advance,

Jack Sieber

Topic "Looking for help translating WEAP into other languages"