Subject: Locating wells into specific cells of a MODFLOW model Posted: 6/15/2011 Viewed: 29908 times
Can someone tell me how I can set up and locate wells in spcific locations on a MODFLOW model grid? How I can do this in WEAP?
Mr. Markus Huber
Subject: Re: Locating wells into specific cells of a MODFLOW model Posted: 10/14/2011 Viewed: 29143 times
Dear Omar,
do I understand correctly, that you want to know which cells in the MODFLOW model are defined as having wells?
This information is written in the model's Well-File (ascii-file with the extension: *.wel). The file should look similar to this:
The first three columns mark the location of the well in the grid. E.g.: the first well is at Layer 1, Row 27, Column 43
If you want to define new well locations and ascociate these with a demand site in WEAP, you need to edit your linkage shapefile. WEAP will then overwrite the MODFLOW wellfile.
Topic "Locating wells into specific cells of a MODFLOW model"