Subject: Problems displaying raster files in WEAP Posted: 6/2/2011 Viewed: 30860 times
Some people have been having problems displaying raster files (for example, TIF files, from the menu: Schematic, Add Raster Layer). The error message is: "Error reading map file. Perhaps it is open in another application, or the file may be damaged." This is due to improper registration of one of WEAP's files during installation. If you have this problem, here's how to fix it:
Open up a command prompt as the administrator. From the Windows Start menu, go to All Programs, Accessories, then right click on the command prompt icon and choose "Run as administrator". When the command prompt opens, run the following two commands:
CD "\Program Files\Common Files\esri"
Regsvr32 aiimage20.DLL
Note: the program files path may be \Program Files, e.g., Program Files (x86).
After you run Regsvr32, it should tell you "DllRegisterServer in aiimage20.dll succeeded."
For more information about loading raster files in WEAP, see