Subject: New Version Of WEAP (Export results to Google Earth) Posted: 5/24/2011 Viewed: 30717 times
There is a new version of WEAP, available now for download. Highlights include:
- Export results to Google Earth. Video demo: - New LP solver: Updated to latest version (5.52) of linear program (LP) solver, which should be faster and more numerically robust.
- Maximum reservoir outflow: Option to constrain reservoir release due to a maximum hydraulic flow.
- Other bug fixes
You should be able to easily update your existing version of WEAP to this new version. When WEAP starts, it should find this update and offer to download and install it automatically. If not, go to the menu in WEAP: Help, Check on Internet for New Version. You can also download the full installation from
Jack Sieber
WEAP Developer
Stockholm Environment Institute, U.S. Center
Topic "New Version Of WEAP (Export results to Google Earth)"