Subject: importing demand coordinates into WEAP Posted: 5/13/2011 Viewed: 33282 times
I was wondering if someone can tell me if I can import the coordinate of demand elements and have WEAP to put them in the right locations?
Thank you,
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: importing demand coordinates into WEAP Posted: 5/13/2011 Viewed: 33270 times
No, this is not possible at this time.
Mr. Markus Huber
Subject: Re: importing demand coordinates into WEAP Posted: 10/14/2011 Viewed: 32209 times
Not directly, but with a detour:
You can load the two shapefiles containing the WEAP-Elements (WEAPnodes.shp, WEAParc.shp) into a GIS-Software and manipulate the locations there.
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: importing demand coordinates into WEAP Posted: 10/14/2011 Viewed: 32201 times
For this to work, you would first need to create the demand sites within WEAP, then exit WEAP and modify the locations of the new demand sites (saved in the WEAPNodes.shp shape file) in a GIS system, such as ArcGIS. You cannot create new demand sites outside of WEAP because WEAP will not recognize them.