Subject: weADAPT - an online forum for climate adaptation Posted: 5/10/2011 Viewed: 53168 times
Here is information about a new adaptation-focused initiative from SEI.
What is weADAPT? is an online "open space" on climate adaptation issues (including the synergies between adaptation and mitigation) which allows practitioners, researchers and policy makers to access credible, high quality information and to share experiences and lessons learnt with the weADAPT community. It is designed to facilitate learning, exchange, collaboration and knowledge integration to build a professional community of practice on adaptation issues while developing policy-relevant tools and guidance for adaptation planning and decision-making.
The new release of includes innovative new tools for "knowledge integration," our Adaptation Layer - a Google Earth interface to show "who is doing what, where" and to create "adaptation stories", a new climate adaptation Knowledge Base, customized user and organisation profiles and adaptation decision support tools such as the prototype Adaptation Decision Explorer (ADx).
weADAPT links you with other climate adaptation professionals, who share similar interests to you, based on your description of work in your profile, helping you find and connect to people doing similar things.
Create content to share with other researchers and practitioners in the weADAPT climate adaptation network and access all relevant information in one place, including reports, articles, Google Earth placemarks, relevant organisations and other adaptation professionals.
We appreciate that everyone"s needs and interests change and this upgrade of weADAPT is designed to bring information to you in an intelligent and personalized way. Going beyond "knowledge sharing," this upgrade not only makes our collective knowledge linked and integrated in meaningful ways but also responsive to your needs and interests.
About weADAPT
weADAPT has been the result of collaboration over several years with many Knowledge Partners including SEI, IIED, IDS (CBAx), CSAG (UCT), UNEP RRCAP, SENSA, Oxfam GB, CIFOR, UNITAR,, ENDA and START. The weADAPT community is expanding on a daily basis, which allows high visibility of the content shared by weADAPT Authors and Editors.
The technical development of weADAPT is based on extensive consultation with Knowledge Partners and is led by the Stockholm Environment Institute.