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All Topics | Topic "Scripting and Excel"
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Mr. Julien Verdonck

Subject: Scripting and Excel   
Posted: 4/19/2011 Viewed: 28220 times
Sorry for my ignorance about the script functions with WEAP.

I would like to know if, through a script function, after calculation, we could extract values from WEAP, enter them in Excel, extract values from Excel and enter them into WEAP.

For instance, thanks to WEAP, I obtain the monthly flows of the downstream part of a River, during 50 years.
This river is entering into a complex area of lakes. The behaviour of the lakes is modelled in Excel and I don't want to model this behaviour with WEAP for now.
But I would like to enter the results of the excel model into WEAP (volumes of linked reservoirs).
Therefore, do you know if I can I use a script in order to solve my problem ?

Thank you in advance for considering my question.

Best regards,

Julien Verdonck

PS: the water system I am currently trying to model is the Lake Chad basin and I should post new topics concerning this model in the near future in order to inform the WEAP forum about this work.

Topic "Scripting and Excel"