Subject: Representing protected storage for a service area Posted: 2/24/2011 Viewed: 30494 times
Hello Jack,
I have a total of 20 Service Areas in my Schematic with known priorities and eight reservoirs. However,, there are three Service Areas supposedly with much senior water right on the system that have a specified amount of storage specifically reserved for them.
Ogden River Projects (Areas 13, and 14) have a protected and limited pool of 44,000 acre-ft stored in Pineview Reservoir annually
Davis Weber Canal(Area 11) has protected and limited pools of 31,000 acre-ft, and 28,800 acre-ft stored in Echo, and East Canyon Reservoirs respectively
Do you have any suggestions as to how I could represent this in my WEAP model?
Mr. Brian Joyce
Subject: Re: Representing protected storage for a service area Posted: 3/1/2011 Viewed: 30415 times
You can use the Key Assumptions to define a new variable(s) that tracks the protected storage for each of the service areas. For each account, reset the storage at the beginning of the water year and then use the PrevTSVAlue function to track credits and debits to the account. You can then use this variable to constrain deliveries to the service area and/or discount the available water to the rest of the service areas.
Mr. Bereket Tesfatsion
Subject: Re: Representing protected storage for a service area Posted: 3/18/2011 Viewed: 30291 times
Thanks for the reply but I have not quite understood what do actually.
My model is based on time series. So far I have not been using the Key Assumptions at all. I have a time series of inflows and time series of demands which are being read from files. The data in the files span 57 years. So when the file is read by the program, it automatically defines the first year as the Current Account and the rest of the years as Reference.
I am not sure where to use the PrevTSVAlue function and how the defined variable(s) will work out.
Mr. Brian Joyce
Subject: Re: Representing protected storage for a service area Posted: 4/13/2011 Viewed: 30143 times
If you want to set aside some volume of water within a reservoir that can only be accessed by a limited number of service areas, then you will have to create (using the Key Assumptions) a storage account(s) within the reservoir. To make sure that this water is only used by the identified service areas, you will need to constrain (a) the diversions to those service areas based on the amount of available storage in their account and (b) the diversions to all other users based on the remaining storage.
So to implement this in WEAP, you will need to :
1) Set up Key Assumption(s) that track the inflows/outflows to/from a storage account within a reservoir
2) Set constraints on deliveries based on the storage available from these accounts.
Mr. Bereket Tesfatsion
Subject: Re: Representing protected storage for a service area Posted: 4/13/2011 Viewed: 30129 times
Hello Brain,
Thanks for the reply. Conceptually I understand that I need to create an account(s) within a reservoir but how do you create an account(s) within a reservoir? Because what I see in the reservoir data entry is Physical (such as Storage capacity, Initial storage, etc) and Operation which is related to the different levels (Top of conservation, Top of Buffer etc). So my question is where do we create that? I also understand I can define a variable in the Key Assumptions but I still have to refer to it some where in the main element of the system in this case the reservoir.
Topic "Representing protected storage for a service area"