Subject: Conference: Sept 5-7, 2011: Sustainable Water Management & Global Change – The GLOWA Jordan River Project Posted: 2/6/2011 Viewed: 53700 times
International Conference: "Sustainable Water Management & Global Change - The GLOWA Jordan River Project," in Limassol, Cyprus, on September 5-7, 2011.
The GLOWA Jordan River Project is an international project which uses an interdisciplinary approach to sustainable management of water resources under the impact of climate and global change.
More than one hundred hydrologists, ecologists, sociologists, economists and other scientists from Germany, Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority have been conducting research in the Jordan River basin since the year 2001. The project cooperates closely with stakeholders in the region, such as Water Authorities, Ministries of Agriculture and Development, University departments and NGOs.
The GLOWA Jordan River Project is part of a larger initiative launched in the year 2000 by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the title "GLOWA - Global Change and the hydrological cycle."
After ten years of successful scientific cooperation towards improving the future of the Jordan River Basin under Global Change conditions, the participating teams of researchers and stakeholders of the project will come together to present and discuss the project's results. SEI has been involved in this project from the beginning, with WEAP used as an integration tool which allows integrating the results of the variety of GLOWA disciplines and projects, to develop scenarios and to communicate the results to stakeholders.