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Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: 31 New WEAP-related Publications   
Posted: 1/31/2011 Viewed: 39832 times
I have just posted 31 new WEAP-related publications on the WEAP Publications page: http://www.weap21.org/Publications

Each citation on this page links to either an abstract or the full text of the article.

If you know of any other WEAP-related publcations that are not included on the Publications page, please let me know and I will add them.

Consuelo Varela-Ortega, Irene Blanco-Gutierrez, Christopher H. Swartz and Thomas E. Downing, "Balancing groundwater conservation and rural livelihoods under water and climate uncertainties: An integrated hydro-economic modeling framework," Global Environmental Change, doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2010.12.001, January 2011.

Samuel Sandoval-Solis, Daene McKinney, Rebecca L. Teasley and Carlos Patino-Gomez, "Groundwater Banking in the Rio Grande Basin," Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Volume 137, Issue 1, pp. 62-71, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000091, January 2011.

Lalla Bahia Ghallabi, Mohamed Messouli and Mohamed Yacoubi, "Integrated approaches to the assessment of the impacts of climate and socio-economic change on groundwater resources in the Tensift Basin, Morocco," 4th International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environments, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, December 2010.

Abdelkrim Ben Salem, Mohamed Messouli and Mohamed Yacoubi-Khebiza, "Developing an Oasis-Based Water Management Tool: Ecohydrologic Approach and WEAP Software for a Large Arid Catchment in Morocco," 4th International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environments, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, December 2010.

Baris Yilmaz and Nilgun B. Harmancioglu, "An Indicator Based Assessment for Water Resources Management in Gediz River Basin, Turkey," Water Resources Management, (2010) 24:4359–4379, doi:10.1007/s11269-010-9663-3 , December 2010.

Julia Hall and Conor Murphy, "Vulnerability Analysis of Future Public Water Supply Under Changing Climate Conditions: A Study of the Moy Catchment, Western Ireland," Water Resources Management, Volume 24, Number 13, 3527-3545, doi:10.1007/s11269-010-9618-8, October 2010.

Eric Kemp-Benedict, Sukaina Bharwani and Michael D. Fischer, "Using Matching Methods to Link Social and Physical Analyses for Sustainability Planning," Ecology and Society, 15(3): 4, September 2010.

Si-Jung Choi, Dong-Ryul Lee, Jang-Won Moon and Seong-Kyu Kang, "Application of K-WEAP (Korea-Integrated Water Resources Evaluation and Planning Model)," Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, Volume 43, Issue 7, pp.625-633, doi:10.3741/JKWRA.2010.43.7.625, July 2010.

Hao Lu, Gao Jingmin and Wang Jing-ai, "Simulating the Effects of Water Reuse on Alleviating Water Shortage ," 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE), doi:10.1109/ICBBE.2010.5515327, June 2010.

Jeniffer Kinoti Mutiga, Shadrack T. Mavengano, Su Zhongbo, Tsehaie Woldai and Robert Becht, "Water Allocation as a Planning Tool to Minimise Water Use Conflicts in the Upper Ewaso Ng'iro North Basin, Kenya," Water Resources Management, Volume 24, Number 14, 3939-3959, doi:10.1007/s11269-010-9641-9, May 2010.

Cayo L. Ramos Taipe (Chapter 4), "Bioenergía y seguridad alimentaria, El análisis de BEFS para el Perú, Compendio técnico - Volumen I: Resultados y conclusiones (Bioenergy and Food Security Analysis for Peru, Technical Compendium - Volume I: Results and Conclusions)," Bioenergy and Food Security Project, FAO, Rome, 2010.

Cayo L. Ramos Taipe (Chapter 4), "Bioenergía y seguridad alimentaria, El análisis de BEFS para el Perú, Compendio técnico - Volumen II: Metodologías (Bioenergy and Food Security Analysis for Peru, Technical Compendium - Volume II: Methodology)," Bioenergy and Food Security Project, FAO, Rome, 2010.

Soo Jun Kim, Hwan Don Jun, Byung Sik Kim and Hung Soo Kim, "Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts on the Water Resource System of the Han-River Basin in South Korea for the AR4 SRES A2 Scenario," Center for Hydrology and Ecology, Civil Engineering Department, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea, 2010.

Zhong-Hue Fang and Kujtim Zena, "Technical Report on the Hydrology of the Drini River Basin," Institution Support to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) and River Basin Authorities, Kosovo, 2010.

Jesus Efren Ospina-Noreña, C. Gay-García, A. C. Conde and Gerardo Sánchez-Torres Esqueda, "Analysis of the water supply-demand relationship in the Sinú-Caribe basin, Colombia, under different climate change scenarios," Atmósfera, Vol 22, No. 4, pp. 399-412, October 2009.

David Purkey and Marisa Escobar, "Climate Change, Glaciers, and Water Management in the Rio Santa Watershed, Peru," American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December 2009.

Christine Alford, "Modeling the Dynamic Water Resource Needs of California's Coastal Watersheds," American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December 2009.

Jesus Efren Ospina, C. Gay-García, A. C. Conde, V. O. Magaña and Gerardo Sánchez Torres Esqueda, "Vulnerability of water resources in the face of potential climate change: Generation of hydroelectric power in Colombia," Atmósfera, Vol 22, No. 3, pp. 229-252, July 2009.

Eusebio Ingol-Blanco and Daene McKinney, "Hydrologic Modeling for Assessing Climate Change Impacts on the Water Resources of the Rio Conchos Basin," Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009, doi:10.1061/41036(342)496, May 2009.

Leen Mohammad Sanjaq, "The Use of Water Evaluation and Planning Program as a Planning Tool for Jerusalem Water Undertaking "JWU" Service Area," Masters Thesis, An-Najah National University, 2009.

Brian Joyce, Vishal Mehta, David Purkey Larry Dale and Michael Hanemann, "Climate Change Impacts on Water Supply And Agricultural Water Management in California's Western San Joaquin Valley, And Potential Adaptation Strategies," White paper for the California Climate Change Center, report no. CEC-500-2009-051-F, 2009.

Vishal Mehta, David Purkey, Chuck Young, Brian Joyce and David Yates, "Application of the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) System for Integrated Hydrologic and Scenario-based Water Resources Systems Modeling in the Western Sierra Nevada," American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December 2008.

B. Gunter, Ellen Hermans, Peter Droogers, Nick van de Giesen, Hessel Winsemius, G. van den Eerthwegh and S. Qinglin "Evaluating the water resources management of China's Shiyang River basin using in-situ and satellite observations," American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December 2008.

Marisa Escobar and David Purkey "Analytical Framework for Building Climate Change Resilience into Spring-Run Chinook Salmon Protection and Recovery Strategies," Proceedings of Spring-run Chinook Salmon Symposium, Lodi, CA, USA, July 2008.

Guilherme Fernandes Marques, Pedro Henrique Antonaci Gama, Ruth Silveira Borges and Maria Cristina Ramos de Carvalho, "Water Transfer Analysis in the São Francisco River Basin with Mathematical Simulation Planning Tool," Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008, doi:10.1061/40976(316)606, May 2008.

Samuel Sandoval-Solis, Daene McKinney and Hector Sanvicente-Sanchez, "Evaluation of Water Management Scenarios for the Rio Grande/Bravo," Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008, doi:10.1061/40976(316)259, May 2008.

Mohamed Messouli, Abdelkrim Ben Salem, Lalla Bahia Ghallabi, Mohammed Yacoubi-Khebiza, Ali Ait Boughrous, Asmae El Alami El Filali, Saloua Rochdane and Fatima Ezzahra Hammadi, "Ecohydrology and groundwater resources management under global change: a pilot study in the pre-Saharan basins of Southern Morocco," Options Méditerranéennes, A n° 88, 2009 - Technological Perspectives for Rational Use of Water Resources in the Mediterranean Region, 2008.

Rebecca L. Teasley and Daene McKinney, "Whole Basin Water Resources Planning Model for the Rio Grande/Bravo," Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007, doi:10.1061/40927(243)218, May 2007.

Marwan Haddad, Anan Jayousi and Salam Abu Hantash, "Applicability Of WEAP As Water Management Decision Support System Tool On Localized Area Of Watershed Scales: Tulkarem District In Palestine As Case Study," Eleventh International Water Technology Conference, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, March 2007.

Salam Ahmad Abu Hantash, "Development of Sustainable Management Options for the West Bank Water Resources Using Weap," Masters Thesis, An-Najah National University, 2007.

Tom Fitzhugh, "Managing Freshwater Inflows to Estuaries: Water Budget Analyses for the Yuna River Watershed and Samana Bay, Dominican Republic," A Report by The Nature Conservancy, 2006.

Topic "31 New WEAP-related Publications"