Subject: New WEAP-Related Publications Posted: 1/20/2011 Viewed: 31385 times
I have just posted ten new WEAP-related publications on the WEAP Publications page:
Each citation on this page links to either an abstract or the full text of the article.
Eusebio Ingol-Blanco and Daene McKinney, "Transboundary Climate Change Effects on the Hydrologic Regime in the Rio Conchos Basin," Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010, doi:10.1061/41114(371)8, May 2010.
Kirsten Joy Harma, "Changing with the flow: an analysis of water supply and demand in a subwatershed of the Okanagan Basin, British Columbia," Masters Thesis, Resource Management and Environmental Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada, August 2010.
Vishal Mehta, Omar Aslam, Larry Dale, Norman Miller and David Purkey, "Scenario-based water resources planning for utilities in the Lake Victoria region," Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2010.
Gonzalo Cortes, Mauricio Quezada, Silvan Ragettli, Francesca Pellicciotti and James McPhee, "Comparison of modeling approaches in assessing hydrologic processes in a high elevation, semi-arid Andean watershed," Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2010.
Sebastian Vicuna, Francisco Javier Meza, M. Jelinek, Eduardo Bustos and Sebastian Bonelli, "Vulnerability of a municipal water supply system in Central Chile to climate change impacts," Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2010.
Marisa Escobar, C. M. Mosser, L. C. Thompson, David Purkey and Peter Moyle, "Water Management Adaptations for Aquatic Ecosystem Services Under a Changing Climate. Analytical Framework and Case Study for Chinook Salmon in California," Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2010.
Brian Joyce, David Yates, David Groves, Andy Draper, Rich Juricich and David Purkey, "Integrated Scenarios Analysis for the California Water Plan Update," Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2010.
Joshua H. Viers, Sarah E. Null, S. T. Ligare, David Rheinheimer and J. N. Williams, "Water, Energy, and Ecosystems: A Case Study of California's Sierra Nevada to Assess Vulnerability to Climate Change and Opportunities for Adaptation," Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2010.
Sarah E. Null, Joshua H. Viers, M. Deas, Stacy Tanaka and Jeffrey Mount, "Stream Temperature Sensitivity to Climate Warming in California's Sierra Nevada," Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2010.
Joshua H. Viers, G. Epke, S. Yarnell and Jeffrey Mount, "Characterization of the Unregulated Spring Snowmelt Recession in the Sierra Nevada, California, and Potential Changes with Regional Climate Warming," Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2010.