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All Topics | Topic "Major New Version of WEAP"
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Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Major New Version of WEAP   
Posted: 1/6/2011 Viewed: 35533 times
I am pleased to announce a major new version of WEAP, available now for download. Highlights include:

- Scenario Explorer
- Internal scripting
- User-defined variables
- FAO 56, dual Kc, daily catchment hydrology (MABIA)
- Allocate water for hydropower demands
- Calibration Wizard (PEST)
- Groundwater particle tracking (MODPATH)
- Safe Yield Wizard
- Chart improvements
- Windows 7 and 64-bit Windows compatibility
- Many other improvements

See http://www.weap21.org/WhatsNew for a complete list of changes.

You should be able to easily update your existing version of WEAP to this new version. When WEAP starts, it should find this update and offer to download and install it automatically. If not, go to the menu in WEAP: Help, Check on Internet for New Version. You can also download the full installation from http://www.weap21.org/Download

I have updated the User Guide to reflect all changes: http://www.weap21.org/UserGuide

Be aware of some differences in where WEAP datasets are stored in this new version. The old version of WEAP installed in \Program Files\WEAP21, and kept all areas (datasets) in subdirectories of that program directory. The new version installs into \Program Files\WEAP, and places all areas under My Documents. If you are updating a previous version, it will keep the old directory structure (areas stored underneath program folder); if you are installing the new version from scratch, it will use the new directory structure (areas stored in My Documents). In WEAP, go to Help, About WEAP to see which directories WEAP is using for program and data.

Jack Sieber
WEAP Developer
Stockholm Environment Institute, U.S. Center

Topic "Major New Version of WEAP"