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All Topics | Topic "How to connect the reservoir and the reservoir?"
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Mr. song ruiyong

Subject: How to connect the reservoir and the reservoir?   
Posted: 9/1/2010 Viewed: 34335 times
In the area,there are some reservoirs.I want to achieve the connection among these reservoirs,please help me
thank you
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: How to connect the reservoir and the reservoir?   
Posted: 9/1/2010 Viewed: 34330 times
There is no way to connect one reservoir directly to another. However, if the reservoirs are on different rivers and you want to have water from reservoir A able to flow to reservoir B, you could create a diversion coming out of the river just below reservoir A and have it flow into the river just above reservoir B. WEAP would then be able to release water from reservoir A in order to fill up reservoir B, depending on their relative reservoir filling priorities, and the relative fractions empty.
Dr. Mehdi Mirzaee

Subject: Re: How to connect the reservoir and the reservoir?   
Posted: 9/10/2010 Viewed: 34268 times

There is another way, too.
If you want to release water from Dam A to Dam B with some sort of priority, you can put a dummy demand and make a transmission link from Dam A to this Dummy demand site. Then send return flow to Dam B. But you have to make sure that dummy demand site never consume water, thus you have to adjust return flow rate to 100%.

Have Fun!
Mrs. andrey savitskiy

Subject: Re: How to connect the reservoir and the reservoir?   
Posted: 3/21/2012 Viewed: 30881 times
Yes! This is nice and correct approach I used this approach This is work perfect. By the external DLL it is possible even to compute this demand accordingly levels in both reservoirs.

I made connections between reservoirs to make to connections through two demand sites and reservoirs became connected hydraulically
Topic "How to connect the reservoir and the reservoir?"