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All Topics | Topic "Dealing with missing data"
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Ms. Audrey Mashianyane Mashao

Subject: Dealing with missing data   
Posted: 8/18/2010 Viewed: 30526 times
I am in the process of setting-up the model for my study area and data collection. The challenge that I am experiencing is that some of my stream-flow data are missing, and in some stations the data are not enough to cover all my reference years. I have read through the tutorial and user guide and have not managed to get an idea as to how to deal with missing data. What I read is that WEAP can tolerate zeros, and have been replacing my missing data with zeros, but am not sure if that is the correct value to use. May you please tell me the correct value for filling-in the missing data.
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Dealing with missing data   
Posted: 2/6/2011 Viewed: 30523 times
The new version (3.0) of WEAP is better at dealing with missing values when reading from CSV files. The ReadFromFile function now has several methods for handling missing values: Interpolate, Repeat, Replace, Mark and Error.

See http://www.weap21.org/WebHelp/index.html#Read_From_File.htm and http://www.weap21.org/WebHelp/index.html#MissingValue.htm for more information.
Topic "Dealing with missing data"