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Raúl Becerra

Subject: Help with climate change study   
Posted: 7/20/2010 Viewed: 36400 times

I'm doing a study about the effects of the climate change on some basins, and specifically, in the snow cover. So, I have to divide the basins based in the elevation, to get a better model with the snowmelt. And that's where I have mi first problem, because I don't know what is the best tool to divide the basin, and get the parameters the I need, like mean elevation, and area. I have the DEM that I need, and I can use WMS or Mapwindow+TauDEM to get the basin, but I don't know hoy to divide it. In WMS, I can divide it in maximum 10 sub-basins, but I need more... and I heard that with TauDEM in ArcGIS it can be done, but I don't have ArcGIS to test.

Any information will be greatly appreciated, and excuse me for my poor english, I hope the question is clear.
Dr. Vishal Mehta

Subject: Re: Help with climate change study   
Posted: 7/20/2010 Viewed: 36388 times
it sounds like you just need some tips on various GIS software you could use, outside of Argis, to do standard GIS processing. here are some options, although you'd still need to get familiar with standard GIS analysis of course:
1. Manifold GIS
cheaper than ArcGIS, can do all you need including watershed delineation from DEM, only Windows

cheaper than ArcGIS, can do all you need including watershed delineation from DEM, only Windows

free, open source, Windows, MAc and Linux
Not very good on its own with raster analysis. But has interface to GRASS GIS for that. very easy to do vector operations.

4. Grass GIS
free, open source, everything possible. Linux, WIndows and Mac
very steep learning curve

hope that helps. just google each of the above for their respective URL

> Hi!!
> I'm doing a study about the effects of the climate change on some basins, and specifically, in the snow cover. So, I have to divide the basins based in the elevation, to get a better model with the snowmelt. And that's where I have mi first problem, because I don't know what is the best tool to divide the basin, and get the parameters the I need, like mean elevation, and area. I have the DEM that I need, and I can use WMS or Mapwindow+TauDEM to get the basin, but I don't know hoy to divide it. In WMS, I can divide it in maximum 10 sub-basins, but I need more... and I heard that with TauDEM in ArcGIS it can be done, but I don't have ArcGIS to test.
> Any information will be greatly appreciated, and excuse me for my poor english, I hope the question is clear.
Dr. Devaraj de Condappa

Subject: Re: Help with climate change study   
Posted: 7/21/2010 Viewed: 36370 times
Dear Raul,

Vishal gave-you a very useful list of possible GIS tools.

I have been doing analyses similar to yours for modelling glacier hydrological behaviour with WEAP (ie sub-dividing sub-basins with elevation bands). To do so I used GRASS, the 4th tool proposed by Vishal. It's a great free & open source GIS tool, although complex in the beginning but worths the time. And as Vishal mentioned, you can couple QGIS & GRASS, ie you can use QGIS' interface and at the same time GRASS' calculations capacity.

If you would decide to try GRASS I could help you initially.


Topic "Help with climate change study"