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All Topics | Topic "Looking for examples of WEAP linkages to MODFLOW, Qual2K, and MABIA"
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Mr. Brian Joyce

Subject: Looking for examples of WEAP linkages to MODFLOW, Qual2K, and MABIA   
Posted: 5/21/2010 Viewed: 41410 times
Hello All,

Over the past couple of years the WEAP model has been updated to include linkages to other models, including MODFLOW (groundwater), Qual2K (water quality), and MABIA (crop water use and irrigation scheduling). I am trying to assess how widely some of the newer advanced features are being applied. If you are using any of these features, please share with me where (what basin) you are applying them and, if you like, what has been your experience.

Many thanks,
Brian Joyce

Mr. Markus Huber

Subject: Re: Looking for examples of WEAP linkages to MODFLOW, Qual2K, and MABIA   
Posted: 10/1/2010 Viewed: 40861 times
Hello Brian,

although being not directly involved in the development of WEAP models in the following regions anymore, I know of at least 4 models that are linked to MODFLOW and currently applied:

- Zabadani Basin, Syria, maintained by ACSAD, Damascus
- Berechid Basin, Morocco, maintained by ABHBC, Ben Slimane
- Haouz Basin, Morocco, maintained by ABHT, Marrakech
- Zeuss-Koutine, Tunisia

In the nearby future, it is planned to link at least one of the recently developed models in Jordan to MODFLOW once the MODFLOW model is finished. This will most probably be Azraq Basin (located east of Amman).

Having a WEAP model linked to MODFLOW is a great enhancement especially in arid countries, where groundwater is the major source of water. Based on my experience, although setting up a MODFLOW-link is not trivial, the by far better outcome is worth the effort.

By the way, are you aware of the WEAP-MODFLOW helper tool developed by BGR/ACSAD in 2008?
http://www.acsad-bgr.org/Resource/DSS-resource.html > MODFLOW2WEAP


Topic "Looking for examples of WEAP linkages to MODFLOW, Qual2K, and MABIA"