Subject: Snow and WEAP Posted: 5/5/2010 Viewed: 31908 times
I'm currently working on my thesis project using WEAP21. I'm using the hydrological module to simulate 40 years of daily runoff from a high watershed in the central Andes, and up to now WEAP21 has behaved well in calculating snowmelt runoff (I'm using the last snow module that uses RNet factor, albedo, etc.). I wonder if there is any way I could modify the algorithms used by WEAP for snow, or if there's an additional algorithm that has been built but not published regarding snowmelt processes ?
Besides, I wanted to ask if there is any "deattached" hydrological module (specifically the soil moisture method) that could be ran without the whole WEAP21 planning GUI. 40 years at daily step renders any "student" level computer very slow, and I guess that by diminishing the ammount of processes that I'm not using at all the speed of the calculations could be enhanced.
Kind regards
Gonzalo Cortes
University of Chile